North Vancouver ICBC Chiropractic Treatments

Have you been in a motor vehicle accident? We spend extra one on one time with you and offer a variety of services and techniques so that you can get better, quicker!
After a motor vehicle collision (MVC) many people experience whiplash, headaches, neck, back, extremity and recurrent pain. If you have been involved in an MVC and have reported the incident to ICBC, you qualify for care at our clinic.
As of April 1, 2019, individuals who have been in a motor vehicle collision, no longer need pre-approval from ICBC for their healthcare treatments as long as they have an ICBC claim number. This means you get access to services to improve your physical health right away from Day 1 of your accident and up to 12 weeks after the accident. After that date, we will work with ICBC to ensure you continue to get access to the care you need until you are at maximal recovery.

Who Qualifies?

  • All British Columbia licensed drivers (Insured by ICBC)
  • Those who have an active ICBC claim number and were in an accident less than 12 weeks ago. If your accident date was prior to 3 months, we have had success working with ICBC to ensure you still have access to care.
  • No medical referral is necessary for the following treatments. You can call us at 604-990-6676, email us, or book your hassle-free appointment online.

Benefits of Visiting Our Office for Your Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries

  • Expedited recovery from motor vehicle accident injuries (whiplash, headaches, neck and back pain)
  • Quick return to work and activities of daily living
  • Reduced pain, increased range of motion, and improvement in muscle/joint function
  • Patient-centered care
  • No ongoing approval process with ICBC
  • Minimal paperwork is required for patient


Re-align your spine for a healthier body and effective pain relief.


Relieve the effects of repetitive stress and scar tissue.


Healing at the speed of light!


Low force chiropractic care.

Contact Us

We warmly welcome new patients to our office and do our best to schedule emergency appointments within 24 hours of your call.



We spend more time with our patients and use a variety of advanced techniques and equipment to make sure you get healthy, FASTER!

Book An Appointment

We warmly welcome new patients to our office and do our best to schedule emergency appointments within 24 hours of your call.

Call Us Now! 604-990-6676
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